Alleviate the Pain with Non-Invasive Methods

Hot and cold therapies are the two non-invasive treatments for any injury. Knowing when to use a heat compress or a cold compress will make it easier for the person to have the pain go away faster. Heat would open veins and blood would rush in more oxygen and nutrients that make the muscles relax. On the other hand, cold therapy would constrict the blood vessels and impedes the flow of blood to the already swollen and painful part of the body. When a person has experienced a sprain, knee injury or hip injury a cold rush hip pad would be something that will help alleviate the pain.

When to use cold therapy?

After someone suffers a sprain or any injury that swells, the first thing to do is apply cold rush hip pad or any cold compress. The swelling is brought about by the natural reaction of the body to send more blood to defend any threatening infection. White blood cells are the cells that fight infection and in the case of an injury more of this is sent to the site causing pain to that area. Lessening the blood flow would also lessen the pain and the application of cold compress will do the trick.

Cold Rush Hip Pad

How to do it?

A cold rush hip pad has an automatic timer. It turns off and on until the therapy is completed for the day. For cold compress the ideal intervals is every twenty minutes. So when there is swelling, you apply cold to the area for ten minutes, then remove for a few seconds and apply it again for another ten minutes. After these twenty minutes, rest the area for ten to twenty minutes, and then re-apply the cold compress in the same intervals. This is done for 24 to 48 hours. This will lessen the swelling and the pain. For more information click here.

Ways on How You Could Survive Walking With Crutches

You can be so confused when the doctor would say to you that you would need to be on crutches. And your mind would go racing if how you could survive the days with three legs. Having a Mobilegs Ultra could save you a lot of trouble. But here are some tips that you could use to make your life easier:

Simple ways on how to use crutches

•    Choose a backpack for your bag. This will help you balance yourself and carry all your belongings. Be sure to buy a waterproof backpack because, when it rains, you wouldn’t be able to run anymore so get ready to get wet.

•    Consider the following when buying crutches:

o    Cushioning – you may sometimes get bruises when you’re still practicing using your crutches, so making it soft is very important.

o    Pockets – be sure to buy crutches that could easily attach pockets, this will make it easier for you to put away your phones or wallets.

o    Crutch tips – when it gets to the rainy or snow season, this could literally save your life. Invest on the tips of your Mobilegs Ultra.
•    Shopping – People that have experienced being on crutches recommends you not to go to shopping.

•    Eating – Now that you have your hands full, you won’t be able to carry your plate or cup anymore. Here’s what you can do:

o    Buy sealable and portable containers – this will help you not spill anything from your food

o    Get a rolling table – this can be used for transporting the food to your side from the kitchen

o    Ask for help.

•    Buy sneakers that has good cushioning and you are comfortable wearing.

•    Always change the height in your Mobilegs Ultra crutches when you are barefoot or wearing your sneakers.

•    Be prepared when going up and down on stairs. You may want to ask for someone’s help.

For additional information click here.

How To Use The Cold Rush Knee Pad Of Ossur

One of most important tasks of every human being is to take care of their own body. And, as the knee is a vital part of the body, it should be treated highly. Those, who are suffering from the chronic pain and those, who are player, dancers, or cyclists often take the help of knee pad. Ossur Cold Rush Knee Pad is a helpful product that assists in alleviating the pain.

Purpose of the pads

The main purpose of any knee pad is, however, to defend the thin coat of cartilage as well as the tissue, known as meniscus. These knee pads can also protect your knee against the scratches, which may occur anytime. The Ossur Cold Rush Knee Pad is designed only for single patient. The pads are intended to decrease localized pain as well as swelling.

Precautions of using knee pads

Such Cold Rush pad can become extremely cold enough, and may cause severe injury to the user’s skin. So, the right temperature for the skin of every patient must be decided individually by a particular practitioner. It is also necessary to observe the temperature and the condition of the skin. The skin should be treated when the water flow steadily through the knee pad.


The exclusive, unbroken loop layer on the top part of Cold Rush Pads enables the user to use it with no foam wraps. Just make use of the elastic bands to hold Cold Rush in perfect place. Besides, the patient may use such protection under their post-operative bracing structures.

Besides the pads, the brand also offers other systems that offer active motion along with good powered stance strength to change lost muscle role. Thus, for the treatment of your knee, you can buy Ossur Cold Rush Knee Pad or any other products that apply cold therapy. For further information check here.