Alleviate the Pain with Non-Invasive Methods

Hot and cold therapies are the two non-invasive treatments for any injury. Knowing when to use a heat compress or a cold compress will make it easier for the person to have the pain go away faster. Heat would open veins and blood would rush in more oxygen and nutrients that make the muscles relax. On the other hand, cold therapy would constrict the blood vessels and impedes the flow of blood to the already swollen and painful part of the body. When a person has experienced a sprain, knee injury or hip injury a cold rush hip pad would be something that will help alleviate the pain.

When to use cold therapy?

After someone suffers a sprain or any injury that swells, the first thing to do is apply cold rush hip pad or any cold compress. The swelling is brought about by the natural reaction of the body to send more blood to defend any threatening infection. White blood cells are the cells that fight infection and in the case of an injury more of this is sent to the site causing pain to that area. Lessening the blood flow would also lessen the pain and the application of cold compress will do the trick.

Cold Rush Hip Pad

How to do it?

A cold rush hip pad has an automatic timer. It turns off and on until the therapy is completed for the day. For cold compress the ideal intervals is every twenty minutes. So when there is swelling, you apply cold to the area for ten minutes, then remove for a few seconds and apply it again for another ten minutes. After these twenty minutes, rest the area for ten to twenty minutes, and then re-apply the cold compress in the same intervals. This is done for 24 to 48 hours. This will lessen the swelling and the pain. For more information click here.

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